Intel has launched Intel Insider, a hardware-tied digital content platform that is available only to those users with a second-generation Intel Core or Sandy Bridge processor in their machines. Built-in to the chipset, the Intel Insider hardware will give you access to view, purchase, or rent digital content from numerous providers across the world, as well as most relevantly, Bollywood and other Indian content.
While the service was first introduced with the launch of the Sandy Bridge processors (see our previous coverage here), along with a list of major content partners, Intel’s current announcement declares the access to the service will be available within a month. All users will have to do is to point their Sandy Brige computers to the Intel Insider content partner sites, and get special viewing privileges.
As expected, the allure is great for digital content providers to have a widespread distribution platform that is tied to branded hardware, and Intel has taken advantage of that willingness to offer some incredible features to Sandy Bridge owners. Not only will users be able to exclusively download and watch protected HD content online, but they will also be able to watch and download movies as soon as they release in the theatres, or soon after, before the rest of the online world.
Intel is calling the feature a ‘proactive queue’, where Sandy Bridge owners will be able to purchase movies ahead of their global release, and watch or download a DRM-locked HD copy of it as soon as it releases. This is true for Bollywood movies as well, for Intel has tied up with Hungama Digital Entertainment to offer movies and music from such publishers as Paramount Pictures, Reliance Home Video, T-Series and Yash Raj Films. On launch day, which Hungama says will be in the matter of three weeks, Sandy Bridge owners will have access to 50 films in total from its new portal, with 16 films from Yash Raj Films, 29 films from Paramount Pictures, 5 films from Reliance Home Video, and 6 films from T-Series. Hungama calls the pro-active queue feature ‘pre-download.’
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