Bharti Airtel, and later Aircel, today announced the imminent Indian launch of the Apple iPhone 4, and everyone wants to know what the damage will be. We expect Apple to follow the same pricing trends it has in the past when introducing new models while retaining previous generation devices on the shelves – the iPhone 4 will be priced at roughly the same price as the iPhone 3GS at launch – around Rs. 42,000 for the 32GB version. As always, substantially more than its U.S. price.
The iPhone 4 16GB version should retail for less, at about Rs. 37,000. Apple will also significantly drop the prices of the iPhone 3GS, so if you are still itching to get your hands on one, good for you. The Apple iPhone 4, like the iPad, uses a Micro SIM – a normal SIM card with all the extra plastic chopped off. Presumably, when Bharti Airtel sells bundled iPhone 4 connections, it will provide Micro SIM cards. However, there are simple chopping tools, like the CutMySim device, that can get the job done for pre-existing ‘macro’ SIM cards.
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